Withington Legacy & Current Staff
Dick Withington Lives On

As New Hampshire Auctioneer’s License #1, Dick would sell until his last days … “as long as he was able to stand up and talk!” Dick always worked tirelessly promoting the business he so loved. We are enormously grateful to be allowed to preserve his legacy We have been fortunate to be able to learn from the master and will always miss him.
Marcia and Larry Leizure
Larry Leizure – “President, Computer Tech, Appraiser” – Began working part-time for Withington a generation ago, running the auction business when Dick was wintering in Florida. Innovations such as a WEB-site and full color catalogues have helped to bring the auction company into the 21st century.
Withington Auction Inc. was formed in May of 2005, separating the auction business from the many-faceted business dealings of Richard W. Withington Inc. This enabled Dick to stay involved and active in the auction business, without the drudgery of daily operations. Since then, Larry and his wife Marcia have owned and operated the company, using Dick’s principles of Honesty and Integrity as the guidelines for running the business. With a degree in business management, a builder of custom homes and historic restorations, and 12 years as director of Buildings and Grounds at Lawrence Academy, Larry can correct, create and solve almost any problem… from plumbing to WEB-site maintenance… he does it all!
Marcia Leizure – Auctioneer, Publishing & Merchandising” Graduating college with a degree in Art and moving to NH with Larry as newlyweds, the world of antiques became a major part of their lives. Both as collectors and dealers, they owned and operated many shops since the 70’s. In addition having 20 years experience in financial management, Marcia brought her skills to Withington’s in January of 2005. Prior to that time, she would assist with an occasional estate clean-out or an appraisal and was responsible for setting up the country auction previews in the barn. Over the past 18 years, she has learned the gentle art of auctioneering from the “Master” and received her NH Auctioneer’s License (#4028) in the summer of 2004.
I am sure Dick Withington would be extremely proud of both Larry and Marcia for maintaining his legacy. Withington Auctions is still a force to be reckoned with in the auction world.